Utkal Statistics Alumni Association
An Alumni Association of P.G. Dept. of Statistics, Utkal University.

President's Voice

"I have great liking towards the subject statistics. Statistics helps to find out the truth from the data and form information. As alumni of statistics, let us try to popularize subject statistics in the state." more
Retd. Prof. Gopabandhu Mishra,(President)
Utkal Statistics Alumni Association

Current News

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Our Department

Established in
the Year 1958.

The Alumni

Whose simple presence encourages.

First Alumni Meet

Held On 25th January 2015.


Planning and Working for Alumnii.
Dr. Kunja Bihari Panda
Median of all endeavours, Statistics calls for the attention of all its lovers to contribute ...more
Sri Lokanath Sarangi
I have my liking for Statistics and the Statisticians. I respect my seniors and...more
Sri Banshidhar Mohapatra
Statistics is an interesting subject having wide applicability. Hope we members of USAA ...more
Sri Prachetas Priyatosh
Ussa is a forward step towards enrichment of statistics among the students and....more
Dr. Prakash Ku. Tripathy
It is high time for all d statisticians to be united under Utkal statistics Alumni association. ...more
Sri Dhiren Kumar Das
USAA is the congregation of persons of similar thoughts. we will take USAA to very big...more
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